ZAGREB, May 5 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman on
Thursday received a delegation of the Association of Widows of
Croatian Defenders, headed by chairperson Neda Balog, said the
president's office in a statement.
The widows complained that the society did not take sufficient
care of fallen defenders' families. Noting that over a third of
fallen defenders' families struggled with acute housing problems,
the widows demanded that the authorities in charge take immediate
action to resolve them. They also called for a government session
to be specially devoted to the issue.
President Tudjman supported most of the widows' demands,
noting that the authorities in charge should do their utmost to
resolve their problems without unnecessary bureaucracy. He
reiterated that society should care and provide for all the victims
of war and particularly the families of fallen defenders. He
welcomed the widows' initiative to take active part in the work of
the bodies appointed to deal with their problems.
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