SISAK, May 3 (Hina) - Serb paramilitary forces stationed in a part
of the village of Moscenica are still fully armed and have been
kidnapping people who venture to visit their houses and land in the
blue zone, Sisak police superintendent Vladimir Milankovic told a
news conference on Tuesday.
The village of Moscenica is situated between Sisak (50 km S.E.
of Zagreb) and Petrinja (UNPA North), in the blue disengagement
zone which is supposed to be supervised by UNPROFOR under the March
29 Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities in Croatia.
Milankovic told reporters that the Serbs kidnapped five
people. Thanks to UNPROFOR mediation, one man was released today,
but is very badly wounded, Milankovic said. He warned local
residents against wandering in the blue zone, particularly in the
vicinity of Finel timber factory, which flies the Serbian flag.
According to Milankovic, the factory is now secured by so-called
"wolfhounds," dangerous gorillas shipped in from Mount Vucjak in
northern Bosnia. Milankovic said the wolfhounds' arrival and the
appointment of Borislav Mikelic as Krajina's 'prime minister'
brought the implementation of the Zagreb Agreement to a standstill
and heightened tensions in Moscenica.
"UNPROFOR members are for the most part indifferent to these
distressing events in which the victims are Croats from Moscenica
and Sisak," Milankovic said.
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