VARAZDINSKE TOPLICE, Apr 14 (Hina) - The municipal authorities of
Varazdinske Toplice on Thursday issued a statement in connection
with the murder of a doctor working at the local spa hospital, Dr.
Dalibor Kraljic, who was shot by a patient on Tuesday.
Both Dr. Kraljic, who was a reserve officer, and the killer
had fought in the war.
Condemning the murder, the statement recalled that both the
selectmen and the hospital management had repeatedly warned the
Government and the relevant ministries about the riotous and
disorderly behaviour of a number of demobilised soldiers treated at
the hospital, of whom several showed an alarming partiality to
firearms. However, repeated entreaties to authorities in charge to
have these firearms confiscated remained unanswered.
About a thousand local inhabitants staged a protest rally on
Thursday. Reading out a list of the patients' misdeeds, which
included beating up harmless villagers, the citizens blasted the
defence ministry for "having done nothing to restrain the vandals
responsible for the rumpus." The participants were particularly
indignant over attempts to cover up the disturbances and the fact
that patients were allowed to walk around armed.
The staff of the spa hospital yesterday went on a protest
strike. However, after a meeting with government representatives,
police, selectmen and county authorities, the doctors consented to
return to work.
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