ZAGREB, Apr 8 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic
received today, ahead of a scheduled visit to Greece, the director
of the Greek Foreign Ministry bilateral relations office, Pavlos
Apostolidis, and the Zagreb-based head of ECMM, Greek Ambassador
Constantin Yerocostopoulos.
Granic informed the guests about the course of the
implementation of the agreement on ceasefire in Croatia,
preparations for a reconstruction of Croatia, and the peace process
in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Granic stressed the importance of the
establishment of total ceasefire in Bosnia-Herzegovina and
resumption of peace talks. He said that the Serb side should
immediately join the talks and that the European Union should also
participate in negotiations.
Granic and his guests agreed that relations between Croatia
and Greece were good and that the visit of the Croatian Foreign
Minister to Greece would contribute to the future CO-operation.
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