ZAGREB, Apr 7 (Hina) - In connection with explosions that occurred
in a military warehouse in Duboki Jarak in the Zagreb suburb of
Sesvete, head of the Interior Minister's office Zdravko Zidovec
told Hina on Thursday afternoon that the immediate danger area
extended to 2.5 km from the centre of the explosion.
According to Zidovec, no casualties have been reported as yet.
Warning that explosive objects were falling in the danger zone,
Zidovec cautioned the citizens to immediately inform the police of
any such object.
A Hina reporter who managed to get close to the scene of the
accident said several houses were damaged in the nearby housing
developments of Selcina and Gajisce, adding that blasts had not
ceased by 16:00 hours.
Firemen and ambulances have arrived at the scene of the
accident. Train services via Sesvete have been interrupted, said
the Croatian Railways Co.
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