ZADAR, March 6 (Hina) - The Serb terrorists fired several cannon
projectiles at the village of Prkos and a few mortar rounds at the
village of Kasic in the Zadar hinterland just before 22:00 hrs
Saturday, reported the local command of the Croatian Army on Sunday
morning. A lull ensued on the Zadar-Biograd battlefield (northern
Dalmatia) after last night's armed assault.
The Sibenik-Drnis crisis area (central Dalmatia) also saw calm
Sunday morning. The last provocations of the Serb rebels were
reported from this battlefield on Saturday afternoon when several
mortar rounds hit the area of Bogatici at 17:30 hrs yesterday.
Quiet Sunday morning was registered in the Sinj-Drnis crisis
area as well, said the same source.
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