KARLOVAC, Mar 16 (Hina) - UNPROFOR Commander for Sector North
General Jarne Hesselberg and coordinator for UNPROFOR civil affairs
Charles Kirudja were at the Karlovac-based Croatian Army HQ for a
farewell visit. General Hesselberg, after a one-year mandate, will
be replaced by Jozef Chmiel from the Polish Battalion.
After the talk with the Commander of the Karlovac CA, Pavle
Miljavac, a press conference was held at which Hesselberg said that
the situation in UNPA sector north was much better than a year ago,
and that the moment had come for Croats and Serbs from UNPAs to
sign a global cease-fire and start political negotiations.
Kirudja said that the population in the UNPAs was living
harshly and that an ever increasing willingness existed for
substantial talks which would lead to a final settlement.
Asked whether UNPROFOR would be deployed on the
internationally recognized borders of Croatia, General Hesselberg
answered that UN troops were already present in sector north on the
internationally recognized border between Croatia and Bosnia, and
that he saw no reason why that could not be done in other sectors.
He said clashes between members of the Muslim-led Bosnian army,
supporters of Fikret Abdic and local Serbs were frequent in the
area between Velika Kladusa (west Bosnia) and Vojnic (Croatia).
161917 MET mar 94
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