ZADAR, March 16 (Hina) - The Serb aggressors fired several various
canon shells at the villages of Kasic, Paljuv, Islam Grcki and
Suhovare in the Zadar hinterland (southern Croatia) from 18:00 to
20:00 hrs Tuesday, reported the local command of the Croatian Army
this morning.
The Serb terrorists opened anti-aircraft canon fire in the
Sibenik-Drnis crisis area until 21:30 hrs Tuesday, while one mortar
round hit the area at the same time.
The latest armed assault of the Serb aggressors was reported
from the Sinj-Drnis battlefield at about 17:00 hrs yesterday when
one mortar shell fell on Svilaja, said the same source.
161033 MET mar 94
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