ZAGREB, March 3 (Hina) - Commander of UNPROFOR General Jean Cot
announced at today's press conference in Zagreb UNPROFOR HQ that he
was leaving for Sarajevo this afternoon, where he would together
with General Michael Rose observe the current military and
political situation in the city.
Cot said that about a thousand members of UNPROFOR are
presently monitoring the delimitation lines, but both sides still
have considerable amounts of small-arms violating the agreed cease-
fire and are jeopardizing the lives of civilian population and
"blue helmets".
According to Cot, Serbs have submitted 297 artillery pieces to
Cot also said that the UNPROFOR in Sarajevo needed some
additional 4,600 soldiers, 6,050 members for the territory of
Central Bosnia as well as 150 military observers and about 500
members of UN civil police. Cot warned that the UN in B-H was
reinforced with the UN from Croatia, saying that it was a risk
which should not last for much longer.
031446 MET mar 94
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