ZAGREB, March 3 (Hina) - Croatian Ambassador to the United Nations
Mario Nobilo commented on a preliminary agreement signed between
Bosnian Croats and Moslems on establishing a federation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina and a confederation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia,
in an interview on Croatian television last night.
Nobilo said the Croatian delegation informed UN Secretary-
General Boutros Boutros-Ghali about results of the negotiations and
handed him a copy of the agreement. He said that the negotiations
at this point focused only on arrangement of the federation of
Bosniacs and Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which in principle
remained opened to the Serb side, and the confederation with
"The agreement envisages relations between Croatia and the
federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina on a Benelux model, where
sovereign countries have organic ties, but it is not one country,
and confederate and cantonal elements guarantee the Croats the
preservation of their fundamental vital and political interests,"
Nobilo said.
Speaking of the reintegration of the Croatian territories
first occupied by the former Yugoslav People's Army and then handed
over to Serb rebel forces, Nobilo said Croatia had been given firm
assurances from top US officials that the matter had been taken
into consideration. He said the United States would take certain
initiatives in the Council of Europe and elsewhere and step up the
process on the basis of existing UN resolutions.
031216 MET mar 94
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