WASHINGTON, March 2 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic
today commented at the Croatian TV evening news the preliminary
agreement on the Croat-Muslim federation in B-H and the
confederation between B-H and Croatia signed yesterday in
Washington. Granic said: "This will be a strong union. The contract
on economy, currency, customs and other issues was signed. This is
the first step, we will continue with negotiations in Vienna on the
final agreement and try to conclude the work by March 15.
The Croats and Muslims will further their negotiations with
the Serbs, so that they too would join the federation or that some
other kind of agreement with them be reached".
"As far as the UNPAs are concerned, we are expecting a very
active UNPROFOR mandate in the upcoming period, particularly
concerning the protection of Croatian borderline, disarmament,
restoration of communications and peaceful reintegration in the
Croatian legal system.
We are ready for negotiations with local Serbs (from UNPAs) on
local autonomy and for international monitoring of respect and
protection of human rights, especially the rights of minorities in
Croatia", Granic said.
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