ROME, Feb 3 (Hina) - "The most important thing is that hostilities
cease and that the Croats and the Moslems find a solution to the
situation in Bosnia," said Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic
following a two-hour meeting with his Italian counterpart Beniamino
Andreatta in Rome. "Croatia is strategically oriented at
establishing durable co-operation between Bosnian Croats and
Moslems," said Granic, denying rumours that the Croatian army was
preparing an attack on Moslem forces.
"The independent Bosnia-Herzegovina was born of an agreement
between Croats and Moslems. A return to that agreement might be a
chance for peace," said Italian Foreign Minister Andreatta, adding
that a Croatian-Moslem rapprochement was imminent. He said he was
not at liberty to disclose any details as yet.
"The return to the initial Moslem-Croat alliance is perceived
by Europe as a guarantee that no Islamic state will be created,"
said Andreatta.
Asked by Italian reporters whether there were any Croatian
army soldiers in Herzegovina, Minister Granic said there were two
thousand volunteers, among whom there was a number of demobilised
Croatian army soldiers and officers. Minister Granic said these
data were known to the Sarajevo Government and the United Nations.
Minister Granic called for the deployment of international
observers to monitor all Bosnian borders, including the border
between Bosnia and Croatia, for arrival of foreign troops.
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