ZAGREB, Jan 16 (Hina) - Croatian Minister of Justice Ivica Crnic
explained in his interview that a new system of courts in the
Republic of Croatia protects human rights on the four levels.
Commenting on the act on the courts and on their jurisdictions
adopted at 1993's last session of the Chamber of Representatives
Minister Crnic underlined that the system and hierarchical
structure of the courts had had to be adjusted to the Constitution
of the Republic of Croatia.
In conformity with the new law the courts are to be
established on the three levels. The courts of the first instance
are municipal courts, and there should be 101 such courts in
On the next level county courts, 21 of them in Croatia, are
to be established as appellate courts. The present 14 district
courts will continue to function under the new name of the county
courts, and another seven such courts will be introduced in this
system, according to Croatian Minister of Justice Ivica Crnic.
The superior court in this hierarchical structure is the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, the task of which is to
guarantee legal security and equality on the entire territory of
the Croatian state.
Minister Crnic added that there is the Constitutional Court in
the Republic of Croatia, which is not in the system of the
municipal, county, and the Supreme Court, but its decision can
exert influence on this system of judicial courts.
The constitution of the courts in Croatia provides that other
kinds of courts such as commercial and administrative courts may be
This act also determines the jurisdiction of the court-martial
and military tribunals.
In the end of his interview Minister Crnic stressed that there
were no radical changes in creating the new system of the courts in
Croatia adding that problems which may crop up in functioning of
these courts lie not in such constitution and hierarchical but in
the fact that there is lack of competent and qualified personnel to
discharge duties in the courts.
161714 MET jan 94
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