VITEZ, Jan 15 (Hina/HABENA) - The coordination body of the
government of the Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna (HR HB) for
Central Bosnia discussed today in Vitez at an extraordinary session
the issue of the Convention of the Croats of Central Bosnia,
announced to be held in Zagreb on the 16th January 1994. Heads of
the municipalities of Travnik, Vitez, Novi Travnik, Busovaca and
Zenica as well as military and civilian officials of this region
took part in Saturday's session in Vitez.
This coordination body concluded that "only legal
institutions, supported by the inhabitants of this region, are
entitled to make decisions on Central Bosnia", according to a
statement which also said that "organizers of the announced meeting
in Zagreb should have consulted with leaders of Central Bosnia on
issues of the ways, aims and purpose of organizing the Convention."
152040 MET jan 94
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Tenis: pregled rezultata (1)