ZAGREB, May 3 (Hina) - Croatia's President Franjo Tudjman this
evening made a televised address to the nation:
Dear Croatians,
Citizens of Croatia,
I am addressing you because of the events that have taken
place in recent days and because of those lying ahead of us.
At the end of last month, after Serb extremists - despite the
presence of UNCRO peace-keeping forces - brutally violated an
agreement on highway traffic by attacking travellers, robbing and
murdering innocent people, we have decided to put an end to such
Yesterday Croatian military and police forces liberated roads
and the entire Western Slavonia region.
The action of Croatian forces lasted only a day and a half
although they had to fight the specially trained 18th Corps of the
so-called Krajina Serb Army.
Making full use of an element of surprise, the Croatian forces
won a swift and great victory with minimum losses, while the
adversary's losses were much greater.
As head of state and supreme commander, I fully commend the
commanders and members of all military and police units for their
effective and successful performance of the assigned tasks.
The liberation of Western Slavonia is of utmost significance,
not only from the military but also from the economic, moral,
political and particularly international points of view.
With this victory Croatia has proved to rebel Croatian Serbs
as well as to international factors that it has armed forces
capable of liberating all areas still under occupation, if it
cannot be achieved by peaceful means in cooperation with the
international community.
However, the ringleaders of Serb rebellion against Croatia's
freedom and statehood still think that they can go on with the war
for creating a Greater Serbia unpunished.
Not only Croatian people but also responsible international
factors have become aware of the intentions of Greater-Serbian
imperialists and extremists, and now the whole world must have seen
their true face.
Examples of such criminal attacks as were carried out
yesterday by Serb terrorists on the Croatian capital of Zagreb, and
its residents, and before that on Sisak, Karlovac and other
Croatian towns, are difficult to find even in wars waged by Nazi-
fascist conquerors. Only in Zagreb, rocket bombs have killed a
dozen people and wounded about two hundred. Most of them are women,
the elderly and children hit in the streets and even in a pediatric
All those Martics and Celeketics and other rebel Serbs who
ordered the destruction of Croatian cities and the killing of
defenceless citizens must be brought to trial to answer for these
crimes but responsibility also lays with their Serbian masters in
In this respect, I want them all to know that if they repeat
such a criminal attack the Croatian state will respond most
energetically to prevent any further act of terrorism.
In that event we will no longer allow disarmed rebels to go in
peace as we did yesterday in Western Slavonia but they will have to
answer for their crimes before Croatian and international tribunals
and participate in the reconstruction of everything they have
At the same time, as President of Croatia, I call on Croatian
Serbs to reject and stop those leading them into ruin, and to
accept the peaceful reintegration of areas still under occupation
into the constitutional, legal and economic system of the
democratic Republic of Croatia.
The Croatian authorities guarantee to the Serb ethnic
community all rights foreseen in the Croatian Constitution and the
special Constitutional Law, in accordance with all international
If they do not give up their armed resistance, Croatia will be
able and will know how to establish its authority over the entire
territory within its internationally recognized borders, in the way
it was done yesterday and the day before in Western Slavonia.
Croatia has agreed to the new peace-keeping mandate, provided
that UNCRO's tasks include the control of Croatia's borders with
Serbia and Bosnia, and the monitoring of peaceful reintegration.
But Croatia will no longer tolerate the continued ethnic
cleansing of Croatian areas, concealed by the cloak of peace-
keeping forces.
Above all, we will no longer tolerate criminal terrorist
attacks on Croatian cities, nor the killing and humiliation of
Croatian people.
The peaceful integration of still occupied areas would be in
the interest not only of Croatian people but also of Croatian Serbs
who are willing to live loyally in the Croatian state.
Moreover, it is also a prerequisite for the normalisation of
Croatia's relations with Serbia and Montenegro (and their
Yugoslavia) on the basis of mutual recognition. And this in turn is
a precondition the establishment of a new international order in
the former Yugoslavia - and for peace in this part of Europe, which
is also the interest of the entire world community.
With this goal in mind, Croatia has accepted the Washington
Accords on a Croat-Moslem federation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its
confederation with Croatia.
Croatia wants to remain consistent with its policy of peace,
in order to avoid further loss of life and devastation, so that it
could devote its resources and energies to its economic and
cultural reconstruction - but it will take all necessary and
energetic steps to secure peaceful life of its citizens and the
integrity of its internationally recognised territory.
We are confident that Croatia and its peaceful and principled
policy will encounter understanding and support from important
international factors and the entire international community.
In order to achieve a prompt and full success, it is necessary
to preserve and strengthen the unity of all strata of the Croatian
It is particularly important to strengthen our defensive power
and to remain consistent in implementing the state policy in all
the segments of the legislative, judicial and executive powers.
Dear citizens of Croatia!
The present obstacles to Croatia's freedom are insignificant
and cannot be compared with difficulties and impediments we had to
overcome on the path to our national independence.
The world has now an opportunity to witness the Croatian
people showing its increased determination to ensure the integrity
and sovereignty of their recently established independent,
autonomous and democratic Croatian state.
Let us preserve a firm belief in our own strength and the
future of our Croatian homeland in the world community of sovereign
(hina) mm vm as puf jn bk
032059 MET may 95
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