ZAGREB, April 1 (Hina) - "This resolution is so far the best in a
political sense because it emphasizes Croatia's basic interests -
sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally
recognized borders" Croatia's Ambassador to the U.N., Mario Nobilo,
said in his telephone report from New York for Croatian Television
last night.
"This resolution goes even further - it says that the
principle of sovereignty should be actualized through border
control mechanisms. It has set up a political framework for the new
operation, and its details have to be specified in negotiations
over the next three weeks, after which the U.N. Secretary General
is expected to submit his report", Nobilo said.
The idea was to transform a passive mandate into a more active
one, concentrating on the enforcement of the reintegration process
already in place. The aim of the process was to create more
favourable conditions for a final political solution in Croatia,
Nobilo explained.
He stressed that the success of the new mandate depended also
on Knin, but most of all on Belgrade authorities.
Asked why exactly the name of the mandate provoked such a hot
dispute, and what was the aim of Russian diplomacy, Nobilo said
that the Croatian delegation had been persistent and succeeded in
its effort to add the word 'Croatia' to the name of the new mandate
- United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia
With its stubborn rejection of the word 'Croatia' as part of
the operation's name, the Russian delegation had favoured the
interests of the Serbian side, whose policy was to refuse anything
that bore the name 'Croatia'.
"The whole text of the resolution is so clear on all matters
concerning borders, reintegration and sovereignty of Croatia that
it was ridiculous to block the whole process because of something
that is self-evident and usual in naming operations -it is a fact
that they always contain the name of the country on whose territory
the operation is being carried out", said Nobilo.
(hina) as rm
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