WASHINTON, Feb 3 (Hina) - The Croatian Ambassador to the UN, Mario
Nobilo, today wrote to the Washington Post about their editorial of
Jan 18.
"Contrary to the views held by some, including speculation in
The Washington Post editorial of January 18 (Another Balkan War?),
Croatia did not decide to terminated the UNPROFOR mandate to pursue
war with the local Serbs or their patrons in Belgrade," the letter
"Our objectives are just the opposite," the letter said,
stressing that the decision was "designed to reinvigorate the
negotiating process and to reach a peaceful settlement" of the
occupied territories.
"If Croatia was indeed intent on reintegrating the occupied
territories by force, it could have done so already," the letter
"The departure of UNPROFOR will shift the total cost of
Serbian occupation from the international community to the Belgrade
government. The $1 billion per annum cost of maintaining UNPROFOR
has become an "occupation fee" paid by UN member nations, including
the United States, which itself contributes about $300 million to
the total," the letter said.
The letter suggested that "without having to maintain a
15,000-troop presence in Croatia, UNPROFOR can transfer resources
to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they are badly needed."
"We recognise that there are risks associated with our
decision regarding UNPROFOR. (...) Mr. MIlosevic (Slobodan,
Serbia's President) and his dependants in Croatia's occupied
territories have used the United Nations and its brave soldiers as
a buffer to reaching an expeditious settlement to a situation which
could go on unsolved for years to come under the current
circumstances. Croatia views such a stalemate as far more dangerous
than taking a pragmatic, albeit dramatic, action which we are
confident will result in an accelerated peace in the entire region
of southeastern Europe," the letter concluded.
(hina) mm as
031931 MET feb 95
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