ZAGREB, Jan 15 - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic on Sunday
gave a statement to Croatian Radio regarding the third anniversary
of the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia as an
independent and sovereign country.
"January 15 is a historic day for the Republic of Croatia. We
should remember now all Croatian generations who had waited for
such a day when the Republic of Croatia was to be internationally
recognized," Minister Granic said.
"We should also recall to our memory those who immensely
helped us - The Holy Father, John Paul II, Austrian Foreign
Minister Mock, German Chancellor Kohl, Minister Genscher and
others," he said.
"It was the Republic of Croatia and Croatian people that
contributed mostly to the international recognition, because they
resolutely resisted the aggression of Serbia and the then Yugoslav
People's Army (JNA)," Granic pointed out.
We could know now - and even Yugoslav foreign minister
Jovanovic had said - that they got a clear signal in the summer of
1991 to quickly finish Croatia and Slovenia off, the republics
which wanted to use their natural right to establish their own
states, according to Granic.
He added that the recent decision by Croatian President Franjo
Tudjman to end the present mandate of UNPROFOR in Croatia marked
the end of the period during which Croatia had been trying with
help of UN peace keepers and the international community to
reintegrate its occupied areas.
During that period the UN Security Council and General
Assembly had given the formal and legal confirmation that the UN
Protected Areas (or UNPA) are the occupied areas of the Republic of
Croatia and that the chief reason for the occupation could be found
in Belgrade and its conduct toward the Knin Serbs, Granic said.
"We believe that the departure of the UN peace keepers will
again focus the international community's attention on the Republic
of Croatia. This can accelerate all peace processes, and we will
more quickly reach our borders and the political solution with the
UNPA Serbs in a form of a local autonomy in line with international
standards along with the respect for the human and ethnic rights
and the international supervision," Granic concluded.
(hina) mms
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