SPLIT, Jan 12 (Hina) - The editorial board of 'Nedjeljne Dalamatia'
has responded to a statement yesterday from the Executive Committee
of the Croatian Journalists Association (CJA) sparked by a piece in
the weekly on January 6 titled 'The Media's Fifth Colony'.
The weekly's editorial board rejects claims by the CJA that
the article in question 'was an embarrassment to the author, the
editorial board and journalist profession' and the assessment 'that
such reporting methods were common between 1945 - 1990'.
"Nedjeljne Dalmacia in the said article didn't 'attack' all
foreign correspondents but drew attention to certain journalists
who advocate Communist ideology and the restoration of Yugoslavia
and who, in the opinion of our colleague (and he has the right to
his opinion) , were wrongly reporting on the situation in Croatia,"
the editorial board of Nedjeljne Dalmatia stressed and added that
the CJA 'shamefully opted to support several foreign journalists
with doubtful reputations'.
(hina) mar sd mms
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