SPLIT, Jan 9 (Hina) - Since January 1, 1995 the private television
station in Split "Marjan" has four owners, each with a 25 per cent
The owners: are (former owner) Goran Franic; Nikola Pjazevoli;
Vlaho Duplancic and news firm "Slobodna Dalmacija RTV".
A newly-appointed director of "Marjan" TV Station, Boris
Gabela, and a new TV programme director, Davor Maric, today held a
press conference.
The Marjan would be developed from a local town station into a
County station, because the owners would make it possible for all
Split-Dalmatia County residents to view its programme, they said.
Daily broadcasting was scheduled for eight hours. Four hours
would be produced by the station itself and the remainder was to be
conveyed from other Croatian TV stations, the press conference was
(hina) jn sd mms
092027 MET jan 95
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