ZAGREB, Jan 9 (Hina) - Today's daily VJESNIK carries out a front-
page article on "Talks on Peaceful Resolution of Bosnian Crisis"
following yesterday's meeting between Coatian President Franjo
Tudjman and representatives from the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-
Bosnia and the Croat-Moslem Federation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The daily includes an article on an International Monetary
Fund (IMF) mission in Croatia saying that the IMF is to examine
whether Croatia has fulfilled all provisions from a Letter of
Intent regarding its economic stabilization program.
Croatian Prime Minister Nikica Valentic today left for a five-
day visit to China. Vjesnik quotes him as saying that China is
Croatia's biggest trade partner and that in 1994 the two countries
exchanged commodities worth USD 390 million.
Another Zagreb-based daily, VECERNJI LIST, publishes an
interview with Parliament member Slavko Canjuga, who called for
passing more laws to make the privatization process more effective.
"Another Soap Bubble?" is the headline of an article on a
seven-day-old ceasefire in Bosnia-Herzegovina. "Unless UN commander
in Bosnia Lt. Gen. Sir Michael Rose (or his successor) achieved
some spectacular success, 'the so far most serious ceasefire in
Bosnia' would be just a dead letter," Vecernji List says.
(Hina) vr
091318 MET jan 95
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