ZAGREB, Jan 4 (Hina) - Today's VECERNJI LIST carries a report on
real wage and salary growth in 1994, stressing that under new tax
legislation salaries may increase for up to 10 percent.
The paper also carries an interview with Transport Minister
Ivica Mudrinic, headlined "I Will Resign - Some Day."
"The Transport Ministry has launched a nation-wide
restructuring drive. It will involve big public companies such as
Jadrolinija, Croatian Roads, Croatian Railways, Post and
Telecommunications and others," Mudrinic said.
Today's VJESNIK devotes most of its front page to yesterday's
UN press conference in Zagreb, focused on the Zagreb-Lipovac
highway and its expected opening to round-the-clock traffic.
An article headlined "Half-Written Homework" discusses the
results of the UNPROFOR mission in 1994.
"The highway has made travel to Zagreb much easier for eastern
Slavonians. It has also opened possibilities for UNPROFOR to stay
on. Aware that most of its work last year was left undone,
particularly when it comes to the reintegration of the UNPAs and
the return of refugees, UNPROFOR is making token gestures in order
to keep its job," the article says.
(hina) as
041120 MET jan 95
Venezuelanski izvoz nafte poskočio u siječnju
Predviđene oštre kazne za trgovce ako će kršiti zakon o mjerama kontrole cijena
Euroliga kaznila Hezonju utakmicom neigranja i s 5.000 eura
Neymar čeka prvijenac u momčadi Santosa
Josipa Lisac idućeg četvrtka nastupa u Lisinskom
OVI za siječanj: Pad potražnje za radnicima za 3,4 posto
Black Sabbath ponovno zajedno nakon 20 godina
Drugo izdanje Sea Sound Festivala od 17. do 20. srpnja na Martinskoj u Šibeniku
Udar asteroida načinio dva Grand Canyona na Mjesecu u deset minuta
Skrivio prometnu nakon 'posudbe' slovenskog vatrogasnog kombija