ZAGREB, Jan 3 (Hina) - "Talks on Peaceful Reintegration to
Continue" is the headline of VJESNIK's front-page article on the
continuation of talks between the Croatian government and
international mediators David Owen and Thorvald Stoltenberg.
Vjesnik reports that Bosnian Croats signed up to the
cessation of hostilities agreement with an annexe calling for an
end to ethnic cleansing.
"Children Against Tanks" headlines an article on fighting in
Chechnya's capital Grozny.
The other Zagreb-based daily VECERNJI LIST leads with a
headline on traffic along the recently reopened Zagreb-Lipovac
Vecernji List includes a commentary on the Serbian Orthodox
Church's reaction to Cardinal Kuharic's appeal for peace. The
holy synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church directed its fire
against Croatian Roman Catholic cardinals showing that the only
thing it cared about was to freeze and legalize the status quo.
The paper carries an article on the sale of apartments
formerly owned by the ex-Yugoslav army, headlined "Military
Apartments Waiting For Law To Be Passed."
"We Will Respond to Ceasefire Violations" is the headline of
an interview with Bosnian Presidency member Ejup Ganic.
"We are sick and tired of some UNPROFOR commanders avoiding
their clearly defined duties. (...) The problem is not the
mandate but certain generals who are interpreting the mandate as
if they graduated from a Serbian military academy," Ganic said.
(hina) vm as
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