"Twenty seven years ago, I wrote about great ideas and small
peoples and spoke about the fact that the overall historical
experience conveyed that every great idea was taken by those who
wanted to impose themselves on the world, who wanted to rule over
certain areas in the interest of certain powers.
In the present conditions, European powers are selling us such
ideas for their interests, in order to ensure their spheres of
influence here. This also goes for overseas countries.
It used to be the same with cosmopolitan and universalistic
ideas since the antic era, and great Christian ideas, ideas of
civil liberalism, to socialist internationalism.
Those who were not capable of influencing the resolution to
the crisis in the former Yugoslavia or in Bosnia, and who are not
capable of resolving issues of minorities, ethnic minorities,
racial and social issues, nor issues of international relations in
their own countries in Europe or America, are today selling
delusions in the name of these great ideas to us who have lived
through everything to realize our freedom, our sovereignty, human
rights for the Croatian people and the right to the freedom of the
"Thus, I call the Croatian public to think about everything
and not to let themselves be deceived. I am convinced that it will
be precisely these notions that will become more and more prominent
and thus, my dear co-citizens who expressed concern for me, you do
not have do be worried, destiny is in your, our hands, our own
Croatian hands," Tudjman said.
231445 MET nov 96
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