ZAGREB, 8 Nov (Hina) - The Investigative Commission, established by
the House of Representative in order to investigate this summer's
'wheat scandal', on Friday held its first session at which it
adopted the Commission's book of rules.
The Commission was formed on 18 October 1995, after the State
Audit Office discovered that wheat, which had been exported from
state commodity stock piles as a surplus this summer, was not
surplus wheat at all.
According to the book of rules, the Investigative Commission
is authorised to demand from all state bodies, institutions, trade
associations and other legal entities and citizens to provide all
documents which the Commission may consider relevant for the
establishment of facts. The Commission also has the right to
interrogate all officials of state bodies and other persons and
officials whom it finds to be familiar with data which are
important for the investigation.
The first person to be interrogated by the Commission at the
Commission's next session on 18 November, is the former head of the
State Administration for Commodity Stock Piles, Kresimir Beno.
The Commission will have to inform Parliament about its
findings within six months from its establishment at the latest,
that is, by 18 April 1997.
(hina) rm jn
081513 MET nov 96
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