VUKOVAR, 29 Oct (Hina) - Some 2,000 to 2,500 people are expected to
visit the graveyards in the U.N.-administered eastern Slavonia on
All Saints' Day, said spokesman for the U.N. Transitional
Administration in Eastern Slavonia (UNTAES), Philip Arnold.
Speaking at a press conference in Zagreb on Tuesday, Arnold
said that the Administration was still completing a list of
villages and towns which would be visited by Croatia's displaced.
The displaced would travel in buses, which would be escorted
by Transitional Police members, while UNTAES soldiers would be in
charge of general security, Arnold said, adding there was no sign
of any difficulties.
Reporters would not be allowed to travel with the displaced,
Arnold said, adding the UNTAES held that the visit had a religious
and not political character.
By 25 October, some 23,500 persons in the Croatian Danubian
area had applied for Croatian documents. Some 8,200 documents,
mainly citizenship certificates, had been issued so far.
Arnold said he was disappointed with the pace of the issuing
of documents, as it was slower than the UNTAES had expected.
During October, the UNTAES had bought 7,700 pieces of weapons
from people living in eastern Slavonia, Arnold said. Out of those
7,700 pieces, 3,500 were grenades and shells. The program would be
continued until January. The weapons had been bought with German
marks until recently, but as of this week, they would be purchased
with kunas, Arnold said.
(hina) rm jn
291748 MET oct 96
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