SPLIT, Oct 26 (Hina) - The Split branch of the Alliance of
Croatian Antifascist War Veterans issued a statement on Saturday
"bitterly opposing a unilateral decision by the Omis authorities
to bury in a common grave the remains of (regular forces)
Domobrani, Ustasha and Partisans killed in the area during World
War Two."
They also strongly opposed attempts to transfer to the Knin
cemetery the bones of hundreds of Partisans killed in Knin in
1945, following the recent destruction of their monument.
"We therefore forbid the Knin and Omis authorities as well
as any other authorities to desecrate the bones of our fallen
comrades by using them for their political necrophilia," said the
statement issued from a celebration of the 52nd anniversary of
the liberation of Split.
The organization said that, together with families of the
departed, they would demand that the remains of their brothers in
arms be returned to their resting places and that it would seek
protection from the Holy See, the International Federation of
World War Two Veterans, UNESCO and human rights organizations.
(hina) vm
262022 MET oct 96
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