VINKOVCI, Oct 22 (Hina) - Prefect of Vukovar-Srijem County, Vlado
Osust on Tuesday received the U.N. Transitional Administrator in
eastern Slavonia, Jacques P.Klein to deliver him, on behalf of the
Vukovar town aldermen, a general urban development plan of Vukovar.
The County Prefect Osust asked General Klein to consider
possibilities of the visit by Croatian displaced people to Vukovar
on All Saints' Day (November 1).
Klein said security conditions were being still checked, and
he believed that a significant number of refugees would be enabled
to tour to several villages in the Croatian Danubian area.
"As regards a small group's visit to the Vukovar cemetery, we
are still assessing the security situation," Klein added.
During the Osust-Klein talks, the Croatian Government's Office
for the transitional administration in coordination of the process
of the peaceful reintegration held a session in Vinkovci as well to
discuss displaced persons' visits to cemeteries in the Croatian
Danubian area on All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.
On November 1, Croatian customs services would be set up at
eastern Croatian border in parts where the Croatian rule had not
yet been established, a government official, Vesna Skare-Ozbolt
said. She announced that some 200 families would return until
Christmas in eastern Croatian villages included in pilot projects.
(hina) mš
221855 MET oct 96
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