BEIJING, Sep 18 (Hina) - Member of the Croatian Parliament Mate
Mestrovic addressed an Interparliamentary Union session in Beijing
on Wednesday.
"The restoration of peace and stability in Bosnia-Herzegovina
requires the international community to take a firmer and more
principled stand," Mestrovic urged.
The session, which dealt with women's rights, the right to
food, global trade and the ban on anti-personnel mines, was
attended by parliamentarians from 135 countries.
Meanwhile, Mestrovic addressed the uncertain future of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, threatened by attempts at centralisation.
"What with these tendencies toward merging religion and state,
it is doubtful whether the international community will be able to
commit itself wholly to the preservation of such a state," he said.
Mestrovic also discussed the reintegration of the Croatian
Danubian area, echoing the Croatian Government's urgency that the
process be completed before the spring.
(hina) jn as
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