ZAGREB, Sept 10 (Hina) - The leader of the Jewish community in
Croatia, Ognjen Kraus, issued a statement on Tuesday in
connection with the recent publication of the "Protocols of the
Elders of Zion" in Zagreb.
Kraus said that the Jewish community in Croatia "will not
demand from the Croatian authorities to ban the sale of that
publication. In principle, we are against repression which is
characteristic of totalitarian regimes, and we support democracy
and the critical public in all fields of life."
Kraus described the Protocols as "an antisemitic pamphlet" and
"a symbol of evil and genocide over the Jews in this century. In
one hundred years of their existence they have done incalculable
human, spiritual and material damage to the Jews and Jewry."
The statement concluded by stressing the need for the Croatian
Parliament to pass a law banning the publication of neo-Nazi
literature, spreading of Ustasha iconography and inciting of
inter-ethnic hatred.
(hina) vm
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