SARAJEVO, Sept 4 (Hina) - A higher court in the northwestern
Bosnian town of Bihac started proceedings on Wednesday against a
former member of the Bosnian Presidency, Fikret Abdic.
Abdic was charged with "war crimes against the civilian
population and prisoners of war, committed between 16 November
1994 and 7 August 1995 when he held the office of the president
of the so-called Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia and the
commander of the so-called Popular Defence of Western Bosnia,"
Sarajevo radio said.
The radio quoted the indictment as saying that Abdic had
illegaly established the autonomous province and paramilitary
forces which later cooperated with breakaway Bosnian and Croatian
Serb forces.
The public prosecutor of the Bihac court charged Abdic with
setting up camps and detention centres in the villages of
Drmaljevo, Dolovi, Rasetin Zid, Dubrave, Ponikve and Brezice
where more than 5,000 civilians had been held. During the
investigation, witnesses said that four detainees had died in
those camps because of maltreatment.
Abdic, who is being tried in absence, was also suspected of
ordering shelling attacks on civilian targets, which left 124
people killed and 345 wounded.
In November 1994 he allegedly signed a document banning the
passage of all humanitarian convoys towards Bihac, which was
under Sarajevo government control during the war.
The prosecutor said that the evidence was partly based on
reports by the former UN special rapporteur on human rights,
Tadeusz Mazowiecki.
(hina) vm
042102 MET sep 96
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