MOSTAR, Aug 30 (Hina) - A serious incident took place on Friday in
Mostar's main street, in the Donja Mahala district, said the
spokesman for the West-European police in Mostar Haward Fox.
Around 11 a.m., a policeman from the western, Croat, part of
Mostar, reported to the West-European police that he had been
attacked on the Bulevar Street after his vehicle, with the plate of
Capljina, a Croat-held town near Mostar, was stopped by two men.
"One of them pointed a gun at the policeman's head and kicked
the vehicle", Fox said, adding that "the policeman tried to escape,
while the man with the gun shot towards the vehicle, but
fortunately did not hit the policeman, but the vehicle".
Fox said the case was being investigated by the West-European
criminal department.
The Donja Mahala district is populated mainly by Bosniak-
(hina) ha jn
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