$ AJEVO DAILY SARAJEVO, 29 Aug (Hina) - According to the Sarajevo daily 'Dnevni avaz', which is close to the leading Muslim Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic and the Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic would meet at the beginning of September in order to continue talks on cooperation between the two countries. The paper did not reveal its source but recalled that the possibility of a meeting between the two presidents had been announced during Izetbegovic's meeting with the Yugoslav Premier Nikola Sainovic, who recently visited Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO, 29 Aug (Hina) - According to the Sarajevo daily 'Dnevni
avaz', which is close to the leading Muslim Party of Democratic
Action (SDA), the Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic and the
Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic would meet at the beginning of
September in order to continue talks on cooperation between the two
countries. The paper did not reveal its source but recalled that
the possibility of a meeting between the two presidents had been
announced during Izetbegovic's meeting with the Yugoslav Premier
Nikola Sainovic, who recently visited Sarajevo. #L#
Izetbegovic and Milosevic should meet somewhere in western
Europe, before the September 14 elections. The talks should focus
on a general diplomatic thaw and the establishment of diplomatic
relations. It is expected that the talks would also tackle the
economic cooperation and the problem of missing persons.
According to the paper, the meeting between Izetbegovic and
Milosevic would be organised with the support of the U.S.
government. The high U.S. state officials James Pardew and John
Kornblum will visit Sarajevo at the end of this week to speed up
the implementation of Bosnia's peace agreement, particularly its
part relating to the solution of problems in the Croat-Muslim
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