ZAGREB, August 18 (Hina) - Ground forces commander of the NATO-led
Peace Implementation Force (IFOR), Lt. Gen. Michael Walker, on
Sunday warned the Bosnian Serb Army that the destroying of the
found ammunition at an unauthorized site near Margetici in
Republika Srpska was a completely lawful move on IFOR's part and
that the Serb side should not raise a crisis.
"The irresponsible threats made by certain (Bosnian Serb Army)
officers are calculated to raise ill-feeling and unease among the
Bosnian Serb population", said a statement issued by IFOR in
occasion of "Operation Volcano", as the operation of destroying
more than 300 tons of explosives and ammunition found in Margetici
was called.
"This is not a crisis and the Bosnian Serb Army should not try
to raise it to one. The for the ammunition and mines
to be stored and guarded, so that Bosnia can be free from any
threat - deliberate or accidental - to the peace that the Dayton
Agreement promised", said Walker.
He added that the found explosive posed a danger to the
population in the area and that the Bosnian Serb civil and military
leadership were fully acquainted with the planned programme and
reasons for the destroying of the explosive and ammunition.
Between 1,500 and 2,000 IFOR soldiers are taking part in
"Operation Volcano".
(hina) ha
181403 MET aug 96
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