GLINA, August 9 (Hina) - The bodies of four identified and four
unidentified Croats, massacred and killed by Serb rebels and
members of the then Yugoslav People's Army in October 1991, were
buried on Thursday in one grave in Glinsko Novo Selo village near
Glina, about 75 km south of Zagreb.
According to villager Vlado Skrinjaric, the Serb rebels killed
33 Croats during the autumn of 1991, mainly unarmed and innocent
elder civilians, but also a 15-year-old girl, Katica Simanovic.
Their graves had still not been discovered, Skrinjaric said, adding
that only ten bodies had been exhumed and buried so far.
Matija Herman, member of the Glina Municipal Authority,
pointed out that Glinsko Novo Selo had the biggest number of
victims in the Glina and Banovina area during the war.
A monument with a big cross bearing the names of the killed
Croats was erected in memory of the victims at the village
(hina) ha
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