ZAGREB, 6 August (Hina) - In late 1991 families of POWs and
mising Croatian veterans and civilians, members of the Apel
center and the association Croatian Mothers, based in Vinkovci,
filled out search forms with the International Red Cross but have
still not received any news about their beloved ones, says a
communique of the Center for the Protection of Human Rights of
Detained and Missing Citizens of Croatia and of Their Families.
Petitioners want to be informed by the ICRC on its past
activities on detection and registration of detained and missing
persons and on the plight of those that have been visited by the
ICRC but have not been released from prison. On 7 August 1996 the
Center will inform the public about its requests at a press
briefing in Zagreb, to be held at 1200 HRS at Selska cesta 2.
mr (Hina)
062303 MET aug 96
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