MOSTAR, August 5 (Hina) - The newest Monday morning document of the
Croat side in Mostar as regarded the "Joint Action" agreement was
the same as the Sunday one, except for an issue not discussed at
all last night, spokesman for the European Union in Mostar Dragan
Gasic told a special press conference in Mostar on Monday.
Gasic explained that the issue referred to a demand of the
Croat side that the mayor and his deputy bring decisions on the
basis of a consensus.
Gasic said that he was authorized by representatives of the EU
and Ireland, presiding the EU, respectively Martin Garrod and Tom
Bolfter, to state that the new document of the Croats did not bring
a solution, and added that the EU leadership in Mostar immediately
informed EU officials and governments of the situation.
There was no EU answer by 12,00, but it was expected in the
following hours, Gasic said, adding that in the meantime contact
was kept with both sides in Mostar.
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