NEUM, Aug 3 (Hina) - HDZ vice-presidents Mate Granic and Gojko
Susak, who had just arrived from the United States, joined the
Bosnian HDZ convention in Neum around noon.
Mate Granic, who is acting as President Tudjman's special
envoy, reported on President Tudjman's meeting with US President
Clinton and Vice-President Gore in Washington on Friday.
"The goal of President Tudjman's visit was to harmonise the
most important strategic interests - that Croatia be recognised as
a factor of peace and stability, as a country belonging to the
Western cultural circle and as a central-European country which
will not be pressured into any integrations," Granic said.
"This is the main import of this visit."
"There will be no more unilateral pressures on the Croatian
people in Bosnia-Herzegovina - rather, difficulties will be settled
jointly, by dialogue," Granic said.
"I believe this is the only path for the Croatian people in
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia - I am sure that we will deal with
present difficulties successfully," he said.
"The next ten days will show what direction future processes
will take - rest assured that you will have the support of the
Republic of Croatia," he concluded.
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