VINKOVCI, August 2 (Hina) - Aide to Croatian Minister of
Reconstruction and Development Ivan Krstanovic on Friday held a
meeting with members of the Reconstruction and Development
Implementation Committee, which was attended by Deputy Head of the
Government's Temporary Administration Office Mirko Tankosic, the
head of the mines-removal headquarters Major General Slavko Baric
and the leaders of the Vukovar County.
Krstanovic said that municipal administration must incite
people who want to reconstruct their homes to submit a claim, then
taken to the County Office for Reconstruction, which brought a
decision for the reconstruction. This was proceeded to the Ministry
of Reconstruction and Development, which then made contracts with
the owners of the houses, Krstanovic said.
The Reconstruction and Development Committee on Friday
received projects for the reconstruction of 30 houses in Lipovac,
where estimates were already performed on 395 houses. Some 60
houses were cleared of mines so far and reconstruction there will
start next week.
After today's meeting, the delegation toured Lipovac to check
out the situation.
(hina) ha
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