POZEGA, July 29 (Hina) - According to the first, still unofficial
reports, the cause of a fire and a series of explosions which took
place within the "Djuro Djakovic" Holding in Slavonski Brod, about
200 km east of Zagreb, on Thursday was a technical failure on a TNT
melting furnace, a judge of the Pozega County Court, Dubravka
Grguric-Rukavina, who is leading an investigation into the disaster
which caused huge damages, said in Pozega on Monday.
Experts of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior performed an
on-the-spot investigation, said Grguric-Rukavina, adding that
according to data the Court had, the disaster was due to technical
failures and explosions of mines and explosives stored in the
The judge pointed out that the County Court had so far not
undertaken investigation against any person possibly suspected of
having or not having done anything that caused the disaster.
(hina) ha mm
291856 MET jul 96
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