SLAVONSKI BROD, July 11 (Hina) - Hungarian engineers of the NATO-
led Peace Implementation Force (IFOR) and experts and workers of
the "Djuro Djakovic Holding" from Slavonski Brod, eastern Slavonia,
on Thursday started the reconstruction of a road/railway bridge
across the Sava river connecting Slavonski Brod and Bosanski Brod.
Spokesman for the Hungarian engineers, Major Emil Varadi, said
that, according to an agreement between IFOR and the "Djuro
Djakovic Holding", the bridge should be completed by 25 August
The bridge will be open for road traffic only, to be used
exclusively by IFOR and international charity associations. The
railway section on the Croatian side will be repaired by Croat
experts, whereas Hungarian engineers will do the same on the
Bosnian side.
The repaired section will be 150 metres long, and the bridge
will have a 70-ton capacity.
(hina) ha jn
111932 MET jul 96
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