WARSAW, 9 July (Hina) - Croatian and Polish Prime Ministers Zlatko
Matesa and Wlodziemierz Cimoszewicz addressed the press after
meeting between delegations of the two countries at the Government
building on Tuesday.
Their first offical meeting the PM described as very
constructive and stimulating for development of the economic
cooperation between the two countries, which, they agreed, might be
considerably improved.
Late August or early September Croatia and Poland will discuss
plans for a free trade zone, announced the PMs.
Polish Prime Minister said Poland was committed to the
resolution of the crisis in BH and is hence advocating
implementation of the Dayton accords and elections scheduled for
September 1996.
Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa thanked the Polish people for the
role they played in the peace process in the Balkans and
praiseworthy efforts they made within the framework of the UN peace
missions and IFOR.
(Hina) mr/jn
092202 MET jul 96
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