ZADAR, July 4 (Hina) - The Zadar County police on Thursday
dismissed allegations made by the Croatian Helsinki Committee for
Human Rights on Wednesday that there were mass graves in the
Zadar area containing citizens of Serb nationality.
Deputy police chief Ivan Brzoja and Civil Defence Dapartment
director Stanko Batur told a press conference that a number of
Serbs killed in the Zadar hinterland during a Croatian military
operation last summer had been decently buried in Zadar.
Victims had been photographed for investigation purposes in
the presence of international observers and had been identified
whenever it was possible. Each victim was buried in a separate
tomb above which a wooden cross was put up with identification
data, they said.
They said that documentation on the burials was available
and that international observers and the Serb side had seen it.
Brzoja i Batur stressed that the burials had been conducted
in line with the Geneva Convention and international law.
(hina) vm
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