SLUNJ, July 2 (Hina) - The artillery battalion of the Croatian
Army's First Guard Brigade known as "Tigers" on Tuesday conducted a
tactical military exercise on an artillery range near Slunj, about
100 km south of Zagreb.
The exercise, called "Lobster '96", was the first to be
carried out according to modern military standards of NATO,
combining the knowledge and skills acquired during the Croatian war
of independence.
"Tigers" commander Major General Jozo Milicevic said that "the
aim of the exercise was to check and turn into a reality those aims
and tasks which we have been practicing this year with U.S.
military officers as part of a program of mutual cooperation".
The exercise was watched by senior Croatian military officials
including Army Chief-of-Staff Zvonimir Cervenko, his deputy Lt.Gen.
Pavao Miljavac, and Lt.Gen. Miljenko Crnac, personal envoy of
President Franjo Tudjman. General Cervenko evaluated the exercise
with excellent marks.
(hina) ha vm
022145 MET jul 96
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