SISAK, June 22 (Hina) - A Croatian Parliament delegation, led by
Gen. Janko Bobetko, on Saturday laid wreaths at a memorial site in
the Brezovica Forest, commemorating the founding of the Sisak
Partisan Detachment as the first anti-fascist unit in Europe.
Gen. Bobetko, Member of Parliament and chairman of the lower
house veterans committee, is one of the few surviving members of
the Sisak Detachment.
"The Croatian nation can be proud of its anti-fascist movement
and tradition. We were the first in Europe to rise in arms against
fascism and join the anti-Hitler coalition," Bobetko said.
"On this day 55 years ago, fifty Croatian antifascists and
patriots, led by Vlado Janic Capa, gathered in the Brezovica Forest
to found the 1st Sisak Partisan Detachment, the first organised and
armed anti-fascist unit in enslaved Europe," Bobetko said.
"Fifty years after that historic event which we celebrate as
Antifascism Day, in June 1991, another fifty Croats gathered in
Komarevo (near Sisak) to defend their town, homeland, nation and
state against the Serbian aggressor," Bobetko said.
"In the Homeland War, the Croatian nation has established its
own internationally recognised state and created a respectable
armed force which has won the war and vanquished the well-organised
Yugoslav army whose main goal was to destroy the Crotian nation,"
he said.
The parliamentary delegation also included Bozidar Pogelnik
and Martin Katicic.
Wreaths were also laid by representatives of the Association
of Antifascist War Veterans, the Croatian Homeland War Veterans and
the Sisak City Council.
(hina) as
221730 MET jun 96
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