ZAGREB, June 18 (Hina) -The trend of the CROLEI index in the last
month showed that an increase in industrial production in Croatia
could be expected by autumn, the Croatian Finance Ministry said on
The CROLEI (Croatian Leading Economic Indicator) index for
short-term forecasts was determined by the Croatian Ministry of
Finance and the Zagreb Economic Institute on the basis of a
methodology developed in the U.S. National Bureau for Economic
Research. It heralds a trend of industrial production and overall
economic activity five to six months in advance.
A continual drop of the CROLEI index in the first three months
of 1995 pointed at a decline in production, which occurred in the
middle of 1995, and its slow increase pointed at a stabilization of
production which occurred at the end of 1995 and the beginning of
(hina) ha jn
181538 MET jun 96
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