SARAJEVO, June 17 (Hina) - IFOR troops in Bosnia-Herzegovina would
not be able to complete their mission by the end of the year in the
defense forces of the Bosnian Federation were not established to
ensure peace, Turkish President Suleyman Demirel said in Sarajevo
on Monday after talks with President of the Bosnian Presidency
Alija Izetbegovic.
Demirel said he would talk about the issue with Croatian
President Franjo Tudjman.
He added that the talks would also tackle elections in Mostar,
stressing that Croatia was an important factor in the establishment
of permanent peace.
He confirmed that his country would actively partake in the
training of armed forces of the Bosnian Federation.
Demirel on Monday called the international community to make
additional efforts aimed at ensuring a speedy reconstruction of
Demirel and Izetbegovic on Monday signed an agreement with
which Turkey donated US $ 20 million of non-repayable aid to
Bosnia, instead of giving credit for reconstruction.
Izetbegovic stressed that Bosnian authority would continue
with efforts to correct numerous insufficiencies of the Dayton
Agreement with political and peaceful means, and the most important
part was to remove all causes of conflict.
During his two-day visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Demirel is to
visit Zenica and Mostar.
(hina) lm jn
171707 MET jun 96
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