ZAGREB, June 15 (Hina) - The UN Transitional Administrator for
Eastern Slavonia (UNTAES), General Jacques Klein, met Croatian
Interior Minister Ivan Jarnjak in Zagreb on Saturday to discuss
the security situation in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western
Srijem, the areas of eastern Croatia still under Serb occupation.
Klein said that the opening of the main highway south of
Lipovac was one of the major successes.
As the demilitarization process was nearing completion,
attention should be paid to the next steps, primarily as regards
the passage of people through the demilitarized area, the
composition of the police force and its duties, and the beginning
of the work of Croatian and Serb police officers trained at a
police academy in Budapest, the US general said.
Jarnjak said that they discussed concrete issues, including
the opening of the border crossing at Knezevo and possibilities
of registering vehicles and weapons.
Jarnjak said that the next meeting would be held in one
week's time either in Eastern Slavonia or in Osijek to continue
talks on concrete issues.
(hina) vm
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