OSIJEK, June 14 (Hina) - Head of the Croatian government's Office
for the Restoration of Croatian Authority in Eastern Slavonia,
Ivica Vrkic, on Friday forwarded a letter to temporary
administrator Jacques Paul Klein thanking him for enabling the
inhabitants of Antunovci to celebrate St. Anthony of Padua Day in
their village yesterday.
"The holy Mass is an important step towards a final return of
all Antunovci inhabitants", Vrkic said in the letter to General
Klein, adding that "it showed that a peaceful reintegration wasn't
based only on word but deed too".
Vrkic appealed to Klein to estimate the possibility of
providing security for other inhabitants to attend the celebration
of church holidays in their villages, because it had been an
extraordinary event for the displaced from Antunovci to visit their
homes after almost five years.
"Such visits are also a good sign for the return of the
Catholic clergy to the villages under UNTAES control", Vrkic
concluded in his letter to Klein.
(hina) ha jn
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