SARAJEVO, 10 June (Hina) - Representatives of state commissions
for the distribution of former Yugoslavia's property from four
successor states are only partly satisfied with the results
achieved by Sir Arthur Watts, who is mediating in the property
distribution in former Yugoslavia on behalf of Carl Bildt's
At a press conference held after today's meeting in
Sarajevo, the Croatian, Slovenian, Bosnian and Macedonian
representatives said they would do all they can to make the
procedure of property distribution completely just.
The just property distribution, which is in accordance with
the mediating decision of the Badinter Commission, according to
which the disintegration of former Yugoslavia had been caused by
a dissolution and not secession, is being opposed by the Belgrade
The delegations have agreed on legal actions in third
countries so that their authorities could prevent any attempt of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to use the property and money
of the former state.
A new meeting of the four commissions for succession will be
held end June in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
(hina) rm jn
101907 MET jun 96
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